I'm not turning into an influencer by any means, but I have to tell you about my trash can and how it's changed my business.
First, let me give you the backstory. My hubby and I picked a random trash can at Target a few years ago without putting much thought into it. We've debated getting a new trash can for quite some time because our old trash can was a piece of work.
We could never find a trash bag that fits perfectly, and emptying the trash often turned into a game of tug of war.
First world problems... I know...
One day, my husband decided he had enough of playing tug of war with the trash can, and he came home from a solo Costco trip with a new trash can. At first I was like uhhh... we are supposed to talk before making these types of decisions but okay lemme see the trash can.
So I'm gonna put my QVC hat on for a moment and talk about how awesome this trash can is 💁🏻♀️
First of all, there are TWO compartments, one for trash and one for recycling.
There's also a compartment in the back of the trash can for you to store your trash bags which ALSO feeds into the trash can for easy refills.
it also came with ten free trash bags that fit the trash can PERFECTLY.
We were kinda in love cause the design of this trash can solved so many problems for us.
Just when we thought we couldn’t be more in love, we got another surprise two weeks after we started using the trash can. My hubby was switching out trash bags and a little note popped out of the new trash bag that said "You're running low! Here's a coupon code for 20% off."
There was a QR code to scan on the note, taking you straight to the product page so all you have to do is choose the quantity of trash bags, add to cart, and hit purchase 😮
Talk about making it easy for your customers to return and pay you again!
My experience with this trash can inspired me to get curious on the different ways I can create a seamless experience that makes it a no-brainer for my people to come back for more.
In the done-for-you side of my business, I implemented a system to track when a client is approaching the offboarding phase so they know what to expect as our time together comes to an end.
During this phase, my client will:
receive an email reminder that our time together is coming up
receive reminders of where to find any Loom videos or SOPs I’ve created for the automated funnels or client management systems I created for them during our time together
receive a link to my scheduler to book an offboarding call
be reminded of other ways we can work together (they also receive a returning client discount)
be invited to my referral program
In the digital product side of my business, I am currently working on implementing an automated system to:
send a special discount for first-time customers for other products in my resource shop
send a special discount to customers who have purchased multiple products from my resource shop.
I hope this inspires you with some ideas on leveraging tech and automation for red-carpet customer retentions in your business!